Monday, August 4, 2008

New Home

So, even though I know basically no one on this site, I've decided to move here from LJ. I don't know what prompted the move, but here I am on a blog that was originally created for a media class. Whoop-dee-do.

So, this isn't going to be important like one of my friends who basically gets paid to blog over near the Big Apple. It's just sort of a place to let my inner dialogue loose on the general population. Maybe it should come with a label: Warning, crazy person.

I don't know, I don't know. Maybe when I go off and travel the world and build schools for children in Africa before heading to grad school for a couple of years this thing will get interesting. Still not important, but interesting.

Last summer, I ran an experiment that I never reported the results of. Basically, I found that by writing everyday at about the same time, the writing production and quality of my creative pieces went up some tenfold. Because I was forcing myself to write something, anything, every day (except, usually, the weekends), when I sat down to work on one of my stories, words flowed a little easier. And when I stopped blogging every day, my writing production quickly went into a tailspin. Now, of course, there is the whole variable of school to take into account, and once I started my terminal studio, I barely had the time to write even a oneshot. And now that I have to find hobbies or else go insane, I think turning off the TV and writing at least a oneshot (fanfiction, geeky, I know) or a scene every day will help me get back up to that production level I was at last summer.

Architecture is still what I want to do with my life, but I can't quite imagine living without creating a world, some people, and what they say to each other in text.

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